日健國際 木寡糖專賣店,喝啤酒燒聲,劉詩詩,高雄漢米爾頓,高雄日租套房5656訂房中心2021-8-3
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/jkm/jkm00256/u/7.jpg">


  • Since 1907
  • Menthol Cough Suppressant Oral Anesthetic
  • Made Using the Finest Natural Ingredients
  • Drops of Smoothness

Original Throat & Chest Lozenges by Jakemans have been formulated to effectively relieve sore throats and coughs since 1907.

Made in Boston, England, these are the smoothest lozenges you'll every try thanks to our unique liquid-drop method that ensures you get relief without sharp edges inside or outside the lozenges.

Uses Temporarily relieves:

  • Cough due to minor throat and bronchial irritation occurring with the common cold or inhaled irritants.
  • Occasional minor irritation, pain, sore mouth, and sore throat.


  • Adults and children 2 years and over: dissolve lozenge slowly in the mouth. Repeat every 2 hours as needed or as directed by a doctor.
  • Children under 2 years of age: ask a doctor.
網路價:93元,結帳享5%折扣後 89
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/wat/wat00140/u/11.jpg">


  • 創立於 1868 年的天然急救產品
  • Remedies for Body™
  • 舒緩胸部軟膏
  • 含有所有天然的薄荷醇


  • 肌肉酸痛
  • 肌肉疼痛
  • 關節疼痛
  • 關節疼痛


  • 肌肉和關節的輕微酸痛
  • 輕微燒傷、曬傷、輕微割傷和擦傷引起的疼痛和瘙癢
  • 與著涼有關的咳嗽


成年人和 2 歲及以上兒童:

若用於疼痛和瘙癢舒緩,可在患處塗抹,每日不超過 3-4 次。

若用於著涼引起的咳嗽,可在喉嚨和胸部塗上厚厚的一層。塗抹的部位可以用溫暖的乾布覆蓋。喉嚨和胸部處的衣服應該寬鬆,以便讓水蒸氣上升到鼻子和嘴巴。可重複塗抹至多 3 次,或遵照醫生指示。2 歲以下兒童:請遵照醫生指示。

網路價:267元,結帳享5%折扣後 254


  • 皮膚安心測試
  • 醫級肌膚解決方案
蘆薈舒緩凝膠 90% 為您乾燥的面部和身體提供長期的良好保濕和舒緩效果。

配方含 90% 新鮮蘆薈、綠茶、西瓜和芒果皮提取物。蘆薈葉提取物具有出色的供水能力和舒緩效果。


網路價:96元,結帳享5%折扣後 92