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超完美臉蛋,芙蘿倫絲.柯蓋特,Florence Colgate,豬腳名產,wetyou2021-6-16

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信用狀通知,L C,信用狀教學,台北隆乳推薦,芬蘭留學代辦2021-6-10


  • Homeopathic
  • Homeopathic Product and Educational *Guide

Indications: This product and *guide together are designed and formulated to help temporarily relieve symptoms of numbness, tingling, burning, nerve pain and pins and needles.

Homeopathic Ingredient **Possible Symptoms Addressed:
Aconitum napellus HPUS coldness and numbness; sharp, shooting pain that follows nerve paths
Belladonna HPUS sensitivity to touch in some or many parts of the body; pains that come and go; pains that are throbbing, sharp, cutting, shooting
Hypericum perforatum HPUS jerking and twitching of muscles along with pain from the lower back down
Kali Phosphoricum HPUS general muscle ache, numbness in arms or hands
Magnesium Phosphoricum HPUS back pain; cramping of various muscles; tender
Phosphorus HPUS swelling of hands and feet; numbness and falling asleep of limbs
Spigelia anthelmia HPUS needle-like stitches in various muscles, tearing, twitching pains
HPUS indicates ingredient is officially listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States.◎ *Based exclusively on references from Homeopathic Materia Medica.

Results of Nerve Pain

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